Friday, April 1, 2011

so called "high school"

high school is the devil.
How can i bare another year?
 cant stand the clicks,gossip,some people..
I mean its still way better than junior high
im just really ready for a new start.
im ready for college.
do i need another year of this
I already stay clear of the place.
If there’s a chance to leave i take it.
Self esteem: gone down since "high school"
friends changed.
heartbreaks, fights.
Its led me to this

I want to go off somewhere warm,
somewhere away from Pleasant Grove
New friends, new atmosphere, new adventures,
new memories, new boys, new start

Lets get real i do have to bare another year
but its fun to fantasize.

1 comment:

  1. JULIE!
    I know you hate high school? Let's be realistic who likes it? I'm always here for you. I don't know what I would do without you. Love ya!
