Monday, January 30, 2012


Since it may seem I have disappeared off the face of the Planet, to answer that question.
Yes, I have.
First off I've had the flu and that cold that seems to capture me this time of year.
Also I have done my far best to avoid that place(highschool)with every chance I may have.
I have become a zombie to prison break. I would say watch it, but you don't want to become like me. Its an addictive substance, I have withdrawals, I catch myself at school planning the next scene.
My work hours have been cut(due to exhaustion)which means me time, and believe me I have definitely taken advantage of that.
my hair is full of light curls. A perm was necessary. It's much recommended to those with fine hair.
I read a book, surprise! Coming from the girl who reads when forced. This was all on my terms.

When all said and done, I'm still alive.

The last few weeks have been useless, but I needed that brief time to continue.
Oh and that brother of mine who we thought would take a lifetime to tame is engaged. They are happy as can be and plan to be married in April.
(don't judge my spelling, spell check is down)
All is well.

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